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  This cycle path bollard finished our Gibraltar-Nordkap tour after 18 days and 2534km (47%) and 19,519 Altitude Meter (53%). Klaus touched this bollard with his handlebar and fell down to the street. I followed him closely and tried to avoid hitting him. The street curb finished my trial and touchdown was unavoidable. I hit the street with my helmet and right Clavicular (Schlüsselbein..). I can tell that Klaus and my helmet were broken, but our heads were both ok. Think about wearing your helmet always you ride a bike. It can save your life!! Medicus Klaus came pretty fast to the conclusion that my Clavicular was broken.  End of this story:  Ambulance came, brought me and Klaus to the Hospital (300m away) - after 3 hours we left the Hospital because no doctor was coming, drove to Edewecht and our house where Beate was waiting (now around midnight), took shower and went to bed. This morning Klaus and I went to the Hospital in Westerstede and we saw the doctor after 30 minutes. I need s


 Sorry for this post being late. This post is for the last 153km with about 400 AM. I will follow- up with one more post which will be the last for this fantastic bike ride with close friends across Western Europe. Yesterday we started at 8am with a goal to ride 170km. According to Stefan we crossed the border Netherlands Germany and vice versa 4 times.  We recognized great cycle paths in the Netherlands ( this would lead to place 2 behind Belgium). Interesting is that nobody of the many many bike riders had any helmet on.  Most of the time we drove through small cities and had "Currywurst mit Pommes" in Wesel and great Eiskaffee downtown Vreden. Met Alois at Lünten and started our lat 30km towards our Camping place.  Now in the middle of Enschede.... see our last blog....


 The border from France to Belgium and Belgium to Netherlands were unvisible. Photo shots were not possible... But what I want to mention were the fantastic cycle paths across the country. We were very very impressed with the quality and how the cycle infrastructure was build. Mostly the cycle paths were build with huge channels under the main streets. Really impressiv. Place No 2 is owned by France, follwed by Spain. Germany got 0 points.... again we are very very behind!! From the landscapes and cities we crossed nothing spectacular to report. You saw the photos from Charleroi.. Now we are in Roermond /Netherlands. Wonderful area close to the Belgium and German (Aachen) border. The river Maas is mostly the border between Belgium amnd Netherlands. Nice area to visit. Today we had our first flat tire!! 15km before Roermond. Last statistics from Dr. Stefan:  Belgium: 177km with 740 AM Charleroi to Roermond


 We miss France!! The last day France offered us 1,200 additional altitude meters - thank you!! Started this morning again at 8am. Made good progress during the first hours. Temperature was moderate heating up to 30oC over the day. We crossed the border late afternoon with no border sign or anything it would make sense to  create a good selfie. Here a few statistic data from Professor Stefan: France Performance: Komoot distance: 1,016km - Garmin: 1,097km Altitude meter: 6,440 Not so bad!!! Arrived at Charleroi/Belgium. This is a real industrial steel oriented city with crasy flair. We choose the Ibis Hotel due to Frank and our required daily distance. See the photos!! For dinner we choose a typical Asia Restaurant.... Today we had one very nearly touchdown dueto a nasty pothole. Just before arriving Charleroi.