
Showing posts from April, 2024

Relax Day

 After 3 exhausting days we decided to have a relaxed day with less time on the bikes.  Nothing special to report. Except that we had a hailstorm for 15 minutes and the street towards Urda was very very very challenging. I think since centuries they repaired the road only when they found holes larger than horses or cars.  Alois found a Hostel, where Klaus and Stefan will sleep well tonight. Alois and myself will use the Frank Hotel in front of this great Streetart. We made a few good photos today. Enjoy!! Our trip today ended in VillacaƱas.


 We arrived in Cuidat Real this evening around 7pm. It was a long day with about 165km and again above 2000 altitude meters. Clearly we need to reduce the hours we sit on the bikes. Alois started with us for the first 35km and returned after to pick up Frank. He is doing very great and contributes always special photos. Stefan and I had the feeling to be on our MS150 tour from Houston to Austin today. Nice roads with soft up and down, straight 10  km long streets like in Texas or California - including fields of fantastic looking  bluebonnets right and left ( color is close but the flower is different...). We took a Hotel tonight as we needed a very long shower! Downtown was not impressive but food was good. See you tomorrow!