Relax Day

 After 3 exhausting days we decided to have a relaxed day with less time on the bikes. 

Nothing special to report. Except that we had a hailstorm for 15 minutes and the street towards Urda was very very very challenging. I think since centuries they repaired the road only when they found holes larger than horses or cars. 

Alois found a Hostel, where Klaus and Stefan will sleep well tonight. Alois and myself will use the Frank Hotel in front of this great Streetart.

We made a few good photos today. Enjoy!!

Our trip today ended in Villacañas.


  1. Hello Both
    You had good start of bike tour ? I wish both can finish with safe and healthy. Hopefully can
    see you in Freising in July.
    Good Luck !!
    Mike Kojima

    1. Kojima san, thank you so much for your comment and it would be great to see you soon.


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