First Bike Day

 We drove from Malaga to Gibraltar in the morning, arriving at about 11am at the port with a good view to the Gibraltar Rock. He is 426 metres tall and you can climb up if you do not have to ride to the Nordkap.... we started our ride at 12:30am with 20oC. Alois drove with us for the first hour, before he returned to pick up Frank. We had a parking ticket for only 2 hours and the guy controlling the parking time was very serious. He took our group photo but he made clear that Frank has to disappear after 2 houres. I added a few very nice photos from Alois when he visited Gibraltar before following us. 

Now back to the riders.  The area we drove through was very beautiful and our goal was to drive to Ronda, a hot tourist city in this area. We knew that we have to master many altitude meter during the next days. Comment from Klaus: after the first training week in Spain we should be ok for the next 5 weeks...

Alois arranged again a great camping site where we found a good place for Frank and a good restaurant with good fish, beer and wine.

Our plan is to go up tomorrow at 6 am ....

See you tomorrow evening!


  1. Das Foto mit dem Felsen von Gibraltar ist schon was besonderes, und vor allem von dort mit dem Rad loszufahren.

  2. Puh - ihr hättet mich jetzt schon verloren…😎
    Gute und sichere Fahrt euch allen!

  3. Tolle Bilder. Ihr habt ja eine Menge Spaß.

  4. Happy Birthday Norbert 🎂🍻🎊

  5. Happy birthday Norbert!

  6. Yes, happy birthday! Nice to see you actually riding!


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