Special Day

 Wake up at 6am. Preparing our bikes plus logistics took us a while. Start was 7:30am and in the meantime it has started to rain. Alois was driving with us for 90 minutes before he returned to pick up Frank and again contributed nice photos from the village Ronda.

The bike tour was very challenging with more than180 km and 2300 altitude meters. It was raining until 1pm and than getting warmer by hours.

For the entire day we saw trillions of Olive trees. They hat started to bloom. Wonderful views!!

One recommodation: don't try to drive to spanish ( maybe true for many other mediterranien countries) Hotels which are in the middle of a small city. Clear that you cannot park with Frank size vehicles, but you may have to decide to drive against one way streets and hope that everybody coming your direction help you to pass. I can tell this would not work in Germany, but did work in Spain....

We are in Bujalance today.

It was again an interesting day!!


  1. Wünsche euch für heute etwas weniger Höhenmeter. Zumindest bleibt ihr laut Regenradar heute von oben her trocken.

  2. Did I read your Garmin correct? 19hr of ride time?

    1. It is the time 6:54 pm when I made the photo.


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