
 Sorry for this post being late. This post is for the last 153km with about 400 AM. I will follow- up with one more post which will be the last for this fantastic bike ride with close friends across Western Europe.

Yesterday we started at 8am with a goal to ride 170km. According to Stefan we crossed the border Netherlands Germany and vice versa 4 times. 

We recognized great cycle paths in the Netherlands ( this would lead to place 2 behind Belgium). Interesting is that nobody of the many many bike riders had any helmet on. 

Most of the time we drove through small cities and had "Currywurst mit Pommes" in Wesel and great Eiskaffee downtown Vreden.

Met Alois at Lünten and started our lat 30km towards our Camping place. 

Now in the middle of Enschede.... see our last blog....


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