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This cycle path bollard finished our Gibraltar-Nordkap tour after 18 days and 2534km (47%) and 19,519 Altitude Meter (53%).

Klaus touched this bollard with his handlebar and fell down to the street. I followed him closely and tried to avoid hitting him. The street curb finished my trial and touchdown was unavoidable. I hit the street with my helmet and right Clavicular (Schlüsselbein..).

I can tell that Klaus and my helmet were broken, but our heads were both ok. Think about wearing your helmet always you ride a bike. It can save your life!!

Medicus Klaus came pretty fast to the conclusion that my Clavicular was broken. 

End of this story: 

Ambulance came, brought me and Klaus to the Hospital (300m away) - after 3 hours we left the Hospital because no doctor was coming, drove to Edewecht and our house where Beate was waiting (now around midnight), took shower and went to bed.

This morning Klaus and I went to the Hospital in Westerstede and we saw the doctor after 30 minutes. I need surgery during the next days and the rest of the team drove back to Bavaria.

It was a fantastic and adventures tour with 4 close friends Klaus, Stefan, Alois and Norbert. We learned a lot of lessons and will remember every moment. It was exhausting, but worth it to burn 5500 kalories every day. 

We may continue in 1 year to see the Nordkap.

Thanks for everybody following our blog. We can not see who followed our blog but see the number of visitors. Every day we had about 100 visitors reading our blog. THANKS!!


  1. Es tut mir total leid, dass die Tour so endete. Hoffe, dass es dem gestürzten bald wieder gut geht!

  2. Ein tolles Team!!! … gute Besserung und wunderbare Erinnerungen an das gemeinsame Radabenteuer….

  3. Oh dear … 😔

  4. Hi Norbert, ich bin total traurig über euren Unfall. Kopf hoch! Nächstes Jahr geht's weiter .. Werde erstmal wieder gesund! Wir sehen uns bald in Bad Zwischenahn. Ansgar.

  5. So sorry for your unplanned ending and hope everyone heals quickly. Blog was fun to watch your adventures.

  6. Liebe Radfreunde,
    das tut mir unglaublich leid für Euch. Es ist großartig, was Ihr geleistet habt. Das ist aller Ehren wert.
    Ich wünsche Dir gute Besserung und drücke die Daumen für Deine OP, Norbert.
    Viele Grüße Werner

    1. Danke Werner, ich freue mich, dass du uns begleitet hast!!

  7. Thanks for all the wishes. Surgery is planned for next week. Team arrived home safely. Everything is good!!

  8. Ohh so bad, have a quick and good recovery! Giuseppe

  9. Buenas noches. Soy el padre de Marta. Me acabo de enterar del percance. Lo importante es que este bien y pronto se recupere.
    Entiendo la frustración que a tan pocos Km, tengan que hacer un paréntesis. Pero como dicen el mi tierra " que te quiten lo bailando " más o menos. Que lo disfrutado durante estos días sea lo positivo.
    Y que pronto puedan terminar las rutas pendiente.
    Deseo que se mejore lo antes posible.

    1. Gracias por el gran y compasivo comentario.

  10. Schöner Mist - tut mir sehr leid für Euch! Aber Ihr hattet tolle Wochen und schon viel erreicht! Und: wer weiß: vielleicht startet Ihr nächstes Jahr am Nordkap und komplettiert die Tour auf diese Weise?
    Alles Gute
    Annette + Eckart

  11. Hi Norbert, so sad to hear that you had to stop the trip, but so glad to hear that you guys are OK. Wish you a speedy recovery!

  12. Sorry to hear the saga has ended too soon. It has been a real heart pumping experience to read each day. Give my best to Beata because I am sure she has to now be a nurse for a few days… to a very difficult patient😘 Congrats on the trek, while a bit shorter than planned it is a tremendous achievement.

  13. Gute Besserung an Euch beide. Es tut mir wirklich leid, so ein Mist....:-(. Ich drück Dir die Daumen Norbert für die anstehende OP. Viele Grüße Mathias

  14. We are sorry you didn't make it to the finish line, but I'm relieved that both of your lives are safe.
    May Norbert-san's surgery be a success.

    1. It was successful and I own now a titanium plate and 12 screws..... 4-6 weeks very limited movement of the right arm. Could have been much worse!!

  15. Hallo Norbert, tut mir sehr Leid zu hören, dass und vor allem wie Eure Tour zu Ende gehen musste. Dir alles Gute für die OP und gute Besserung!

  16. Gute Besserung Norbert! Dirk.

  17. Gute Besserung Norbert! Dirk.


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