Rainy Day

 Interesting. Overnight we parked Frank in front of a children school area. When we started in the morning to prepare our bikes, more and more cars were parking around us. Like we saw in Spain and probably the same is valid for Germany - parents were driving their kids to school.... finaly no problem for Alois and Frank to leave that place later.

For us it was a very wet day. It was raining until 1pm before we could undress our rain pants. Everything was pretty wet.

We did again 150km with 1300 altitude meters. Because of the weather we arrived late at 7pm at our planned location in Verriéres. We choose a Hotel night for today to get our clothes dry. 

Our hope is that we have better weather tomorrow.

One more - at Bordeaux train station we changed our Komoot map from Gibraltar - Bordeaux to Bordeaux - Enschede. Next target is now on our map/Garmin.

Finally we had one other pedal out miss with body street touch and no injury.


  1. Mit dem Wetter habt ihr bisher nur Pech gehabt. Aber für die nächsten Tage sind die Vorhersagen für Frankreich gut.

  2. Was away for a week and now catching up on the great adventure. Hopefully the weather will improve. Looks like you will also gain a couple kilos…the food looks great!


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