Viva la France

 We arrived in France, Cambo- Les- Bains. Today the target was to finish Spain and have a good start in France. 

It was above 10oC this morning and we started our ride at 9:30am.

It takes us always 2 hours in the morning to get ready. Today it was raining at 7am and we decided to have a longer breakfast with 2 baguettes. Alois prepares tea an coffee, Klaus spread our honey breads for the ride, Stefan is getting the bikes out of our garage and does all needed service. Everybody has already a certain routine to execute before we start.

Originally we planned to visit downtown Pamplona today and have a free day, but due to the bad weather forecast we decided to cross the border to France. Only 85 km, but again 1,300 altitude meters. And we were riding the 9th day in a row.....

Ride was good and Alois met us just after the border. We came through a nice tourist village where we bought fromage de brebis and sausages.

Alois got a good Camping place and we had a reasobable good dinner (you can see the photos..). It was the only restaurant in town.

Tomorrow we plan to come as close as possible to Bordeaux. Everybody promised me that this day trip has nearly no hills or slops ...


  1. Sieht doch ganz entspannt aus! Viel Spaß heute.

  2. Wünsche euch einen schönen Ruhetag in Bordeaux und gönnt euch dort das passende Fläschchen, habt es euch verdient.


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